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Recipe in 7 steps

Baba dough

Flour 200g 36.2 %
Yeast 13g 2.3 %
Honey 15g 2.7 %
Vanilla pod 1g 0.1 %
Salt 3g 0.5 %
Butter 70g 12.6 %
Eggs 250g 45.2 %
Total 552g 100%

Make a dough and knead.


Leave to rise.

Bake at 150°C for around 45 minutes.

Dry out at 180°C.


Cocoa syrup

Water 500g 74.0 %
Sugar 175g 25.9 %
COCOA POWDER 22/24% 0g 0.0 %
Total 675g 100%

Bring to the boil.

Chocolate mousse

Milk 175g 24.0 %
Gelatine 19g 2.6 %
Dark chocolate TANNEA 70% 200g 27.4 %
Whipped cream 335g 45.9 %
Total 729g 100%

Bring the milk to the boil.

Melt the gelatine in the milk.

Pour over the TANNEA® 70% dark couverture in three goes.

Delicately fold into the whipped cream.

Chocolate crumble

Butter 315g 26.4 %
Icing sugar 150g 12.5 %
Caster sugar 150g 12.5 %
Ground almonds 190g 15.9 %
Flour 190g 15.9 %
COCOA POWDER 22/24% 190g 15.9 %
Salt 6g 0.5 %
Total 1191g 100%

Soften the butter in the food processor.

Add the remaining ingredients.

Bake at 160°C for 7 minutes.

Chocolate sauce

Milk 60g 11.3 %
Glucose 15g 2.8 %
Dark chocolate MADONG 70% 155g 29.2 %
Milk 300g 56.6 %
Total 530g 100%

Bring the milk and the glucose to the boil.

Pour over the MADONG® 70% dark couverture.

Pour over the milk, blend and pass through a fine sieve.


Single cream 200g 90.4 %
Icing sugar 20g 9.0 %
Vanilla pod 1g 0.4 %
Total 221g 100%

Whip the cream until very foamy.


Sugar 375g 54.5 %
Glucose 125g 18.1 %
EXTRA PURE PASTE 125g 18.1 %
Butter 62g 9.0 %
Total 687g 100%

Make a pale caramel with the sugar and glucose.

Add the pure paste and the butter.

Pour onto a Silpat® sheet and leave to cool.


Chef's word

Julien Dugourd

I put my own twist on a classic baba to give it more texture. There's a mousse, crumble and choux pastry all on an opaline... I went for a Tannea chocolate mousse to freshen up the Madong.